With 50 years of existence, Polyresine has left its mark on the history of chocking, grounting and injection using Chockfast® resins and has been able to retain these customers and create historic links. Recently, Polyrésine was contacted by Chantiers de l’Atlantiques, whose reputation is well established.
Chantiers de l’Atlantiques needed to consolidate their skills and therefore called on our Chockfast® specialists.
Our teams came to the Saint-Nazaire site for a stern tube casting demonstration.
For some of them it was a confirmation of knowledge but for others it was the discovery of a technique with many advantages.
These two days spent together were not only rich in technical exchanges but also rich humanly.
Chantiers de l’Atlantiques took extra time to give us a full tour of the site and showing us vessels under construction.
Very spectacular !